Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Nation awakening from its long moral slumber.

The American mainstream (MSNBC) media is finally awakening to tyranny of the American leadership under Bush. Keith Olbermann unleashes a scathing attack on Rumsfeld address to the American Legion.
The speech was promply removed from removed after a prodigious amount of negaive comments unfolded.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

I just watched this amazing documentary on Google called

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

(watch it on google)
I imagine this probably representing the first time that CIA has been thrawted in their covert black opps to over-throw the Venezuela president Hugo Chávez. How did I miss this event?! The answer is easy I lived in America. Yet another sign that the US is loosing its ability to manipulate countries that arent kissing their ass. This will empower many other countries to stand againt America's imperialistic moves.