Monday, September 04, 2006

Japan and China holding $1 trillion EACH of US Dept.

According to Prestowitz, president of the The Economic Strategy Institute , who just finished his new book The Billion New Capitalist and a six months tour talking with various world bank partners, "the world bank presidents are walking on eggs shells." Both Japan and China is now holding over $1 trillion EACH in US dept! Even the little guys have considerable exposure: Singapore $250 billion, Chile $50 Billion. to put it in his worlds "the wold central banks are drowning in dollars."

Prophetic soundings from MIT

"The world isn’t so much flat as gravely tilting, “and may be on the way to some kind of self-destruction,” believes Clyde Prestowitz, Jr. We’re due for a major rebalancing of global economic might, which the U.S. may well experience as catastrophic change. "

It is so refreshing to find someone else awakened to the reality...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bush Speech (Edited)

Bush Speech (Edited to deliver the truth)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Nation awakening from its long moral slumber.

The American mainstream (MSNBC) media is finally awakening to tyranny of the American leadership under Bush. Keith Olbermann unleashes a scathing attack on Rumsfeld address to the American Legion.
The speech was promply removed from removed after a prodigious amount of negaive comments unfolded.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

I just watched this amazing documentary on Google called

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

(watch it on google)
I imagine this probably representing the first time that CIA has been thrawted in their covert black opps to over-throw the Venezuela president Hugo Chávez. How did I miss this event?! The answer is easy I lived in America. Yet another sign that the US is loosing its ability to manipulate countries that arent kissing their ass. This will empower many other countries to stand againt America's imperialistic moves.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fall of the Neo Cans...

The neo cons that first captured America and then pushed America into the Iraq was are fighting amoung themselves!

"WASHINGTON, Jun 12 (IPS) - Is the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which did so much to promote the invasion of Iraq and an Israel-centred "global war on terror", closing down?"

When the ones in power start fighting one another then it is a good sign the end is coming soon. The whole American society is sick and broken.

Nothing is more important to the United States then not to piss off Iran because they have our testicles in their hands. The idiots of the new American century persuasion have effectively destroyed any leverage and influence this country had in the world. We are broke financially living on a credit card economy, have a hugely over extended military and enjoy a trade deficit, partially due to the high cost of oil, that is astronomical by human standards." -- Bob Zannelli

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Reality Check #3 America in the hands of madmen

In a nut shell, America since the 2000 elections has fallen into the hands of fundamentalists that seek to spread the word of God at whatever the cost to the world. I just came across this prolific and insightful writer called Katherine Yuruca:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Look back to see ahead.

We have forgotten about how we were modeled after the Roman Republic and their struggle with Parthia (the Middle East.) The doom that faced the great Republic is now drowning America. As the Germanic tribes infested Rome for a better life, so does the tens of millions on Hispanics flood the borders for a better life. We forget that we too, like the Roman, are a people of immigrants. Big business rules policy decisions by investments and powerful lobbyist on their pay roll. This is no different to the Roman situation. Roman wanted to control the silk trade, we want to control the oil trade and secure it for our consumption.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Buy 2012 Crude... your stupid not too!

You want a sure bet? You have a kid needed put through college? You want to play the futures gamble and win big? Buy 2012 crude as much as you can. Even at $67 per barrel it’s a steal! Buy 2012 it will probably be over $300… you may want to refine it yourself for your car!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"Can't see Armageddon quite that close myself " -- Patrick Moore (Greenpeace)

If China maintains it 10%+ compunded GNP annual growth rate China will surpass the US economy in under 40 yrs. China will surpass the US as the largest economy and will become the world economic powerhouse in the 21st centry. Economic pressures will be compounded with flattening wages being forced down our throats by the invasion of Asian businesses entering the prime service and technology sector markets. They have already taken the retail beachhead; we are fools to think they won’t conquer our precious service sectors. They will… To give you an example of the economic army being amassed to be thrown into the fry, just one province in China alone has over 200,000 college students studying business, science, and mathematics with mandatory English education courses. Their professors come from all over the world, even form some of our leading western universities and colleges (listen to this NY Times best seller). This year alone China tripled its trade surplus to over a $100 billon trade surplus. In comparison the US had their largest trade deficit in history even more alarming it currently has the largest deficit in its history and for the first time since the 1930s we have a negative savings index—thank you credit cards! My question is “what plans do we have in place to turn this around?” The answer: absolutely nothing. We haven’t a clue. Needless to say I now live in Japan… Knowing how they take care of there population, the fact they are a controlled island and have the highest technology infrastructure and their proximity to China. Plus the only company to actually to have incurred a trade surplus with China. I betting that I am in the best place to insure the survival and future of my children. (References: 1,2,3,4)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Reality check #2: Corporate loyalties don’t lie with governments.

The corporate loyalty lies where the profit is and where they can exploit people to get it. Hong Kong is prime example. It’s a city with little regulations and companies are making a killing. As I write millions of jobs are going to Asia: Companies, loyal only to profits, are abandoning America and Europe for the meat rush.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reality check #1: Bleeing the $$$

America and Europe is going to be bled of its money by third world countries in Asia. It’s already happening with its mounting $200bn US trade deficits. It’s a fact A US-China trade war looms. America can not keep pace with the amount of money exiting the country, something has to break. The dollar will have to break and with it the dreams of the American people--SUV, cheap oil, big houses, fat salaries. Thomas Friedman’s prominent book “The World Is Flat” clearly outlines the new modern "flattening reality. " It does fail to fully extract the reality that not only is the world flattening, but so will the wages…middle class wages will have to flatten in order to compete with the wages being offered in Asia. We can't be a country of specialist; there will always be menial jobs that someone will have to do. The key is workforce supply and demand… for the next 20yrs there will be disproportionate supply of people willing to work for very little in Asia.

All Empires have to fall...

All empires have to fall. The Egyptians, the Romans empires have all subsided into antiquity. Gibbon argued in his great text that it was conflicts in the Middle East that caused the Roman Empire to fall because it over exteneded itself and allowed the German tribes to gobble up their Empire. Russia's defeat in Afghanistan also neatly coincided with another super powers fall. Cicero tells his son learn history so you dont repeat her mistakes. But who is telling America?! America, I and million other sons and daughters of yours are telling you! Wake up, dont repeat history! Historians will look back on the 2003 Iraq War as marking the point when America started her great decline. Like our Roman forefathers we too have become fat and lazy with our out of control debit and monstrous armed forces. You would think we would have learned from Vietnam; the Middle East conquest marks an over extension that will allow China to position herself to succeed the US as the next controlling superpower. We have a number of reality checks that this blog is going to address and discuss.