Sunday, March 26, 2006

All Empires have to fall...

All empires have to fall. The Egyptians, the Romans empires have all subsided into antiquity. Gibbon argued in his great text that it was conflicts in the Middle East that caused the Roman Empire to fall because it over exteneded itself and allowed the German tribes to gobble up their Empire. Russia's defeat in Afghanistan also neatly coincided with another super powers fall. Cicero tells his son learn history so you dont repeat her mistakes. But who is telling America?! America, I and million other sons and daughters of yours are telling you! Wake up, dont repeat history! Historians will look back on the 2003 Iraq War as marking the point when America started her great decline. Like our Roman forefathers we too have become fat and lazy with our out of control debit and monstrous armed forces. You would think we would have learned from Vietnam; the Middle East conquest marks an over extension that will allow China to position herself to succeed the US as the next controlling superpower. We have a number of reality checks that this blog is going to address and discuss.

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