Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reality check #1: Bleeing the $$$

America and Europe is going to be bled of its money by third world countries in Asia. It’s already happening with its mounting $200bn US trade deficits. It’s a fact A US-China trade war looms. America can not keep pace with the amount of money exiting the country, something has to break. The dollar will have to break and with it the dreams of the American people--SUV, cheap oil, big houses, fat salaries. Thomas Friedman’s prominent book “The World Is Flat” clearly outlines the new modern "flattening reality. " It does fail to fully extract the reality that not only is the world flattening, but so will the wages…middle class wages will have to flatten in order to compete with the wages being offered in Asia. We can't be a country of specialist; there will always be menial jobs that someone will have to do. The key is workforce supply and demand… for the next 20yrs there will be disproportionate supply of people willing to work for very little in Asia.

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